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February 15th, 2024

Spring to it: Fresh tips for Spring Cleaning

Soon, it will be Spring. That means more sunshine and opportunities to begin anew. Spring cleaning is a popular tradition that can be more fun. Here are some tips to make it easier and achievable in your senior apartment for rent in Costa Mesa at Azulon. First, no matter what cleaning task you’re doing or what room you’re cleaning, put some upbeat and fast-paced music on. It really helps keep you moving and in a cleaning groove. You also might try just cleaning one room at a time, over several days, all at your own pace. Trying to handle everything all at once can be daunting. Also, what might help is to give yourself a time limit for each task. Let’s say you get no more than 30 minutes to declutter some drawers. The sense of urgency that comes with putting a time limit on a task is very motivating. You’d be surprised how much you’ll get done. And the feeling when it is done is so enjoyable. Here are more Spring cleaning tips.
