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October 15th, 2014

Laguna Beach Plein Air Invitational

Each year Laguna Beach turns into an outdoor painting studio with the west coast’s most prestigious plein air art event, the Laguna Beach Plein Air Painting Invitational. Now through October 19, enjoy the nation’s top plein air landscape painters who compete for prestigious prizes and participate in festivities including public paint-outs, painting demonstrations and discussions, and educational events.
Culminating with the highly anticipated Saturday Afternoon Collectors’ Soirée where attendees get the first look at the original art created through out the week, and closing with the Sunday Public Exhibition and Sale. This year’s Invitational host will be The Ranch at Laguna Beach, located in the majestic Aliso Canyon – the “Yosemite” of Laguna Beach and the location of the area’s original homestead built by the Thurston family, the ancestors of former Laguna Mayor Kelly Boyd. This event celebrates the artistic legacy and plein air heritage of Laguna Beach founded by the early California impressionist painters like William Wendt, Frank Cuprien and Edgar Payne. CLICK HERE for more info or to buy tickets.
