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March 14th, 2023

It’s easy being green: Top 4 ways to shop to help the Earth

Spring is almost here, and that reminds us of all things green. Here are some easy-to-implement ways to help our planet feel better right now when you’re shopping. Once you get in the habit of doing them, it’s so simple! But what a big difference it makes.

TIP 1: Use reusable cloth shopping bags.
So many grocery stores actually sell cloth or reusable bags right at the checkout, or you can buy them online. Plus, they come in some pretty fashionable designs. This will cut down on the need for making plastic or paper bags for your groceries. When in doubt, bust that tote bag out!

TIP 2: Buy products in glass containers versus plastic containers.
Glass is a much more sustainable and recyclable material so far. But that may change in the future. For now, glass is the clearly way to go to be better for the earth. So, look for items that are in glass bottles.

TIP 3: Buy less.
As a society, we are very comfortable being consumers. But the next time you are on a shopping trip, ask yourself if you really need that item — especially in home décor stores. There are so many stylish things that are hard to resist, but you can. It’s part of the spark joy phenomenon. But if we consume less and consume more mindfully, it’s better for many things, including the environment.

TIP 4: Live at Azulon, and shopping is right next door.
When you live in a sophisticated apartment at Azulon at Mesa Verde, you’ll be just steps to shopping, dining, and convenient places to run errands. Leaving your car at home will help you save gas money and get in some convenient cardio at the same time. The Azulon at Mesa Verde Interactive Vicinity Map will show you what’s nearby our community.
