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March 15th, 2021

What your favorite color says about you

The world is a glorious place full of so many colors. We each have our favorite color or colors. It’s interesting to find out what personality attributes are relating to those colors. Here’s a quick breakdown to give some insight into what colors you are drawn to.

Green: down to earth, loves nature, intuitive problem solver

Red: adventurous, boldness, passionate

Yellow: optimistic, love to smile, always cheerful

Orange: creativity, joy, life of the party

Black: sophisticated, intelligent, strength

White: calm, clean, orderly, pure

Blue: trustworthy, tranquil, loyal

Purple: royal, smart, expressive

No matter which colors you love, make sure to celebrate them by including them in your home accessories at your beautiful residence at Azulon at Mesa Verde and fashion choices. They’ll instantly make you feel good!
