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June 28th, 2020

Get a new leaf on life: Perfect plants for indoors

Having nature within our homes makes us feel good. It’s relaxing and pretty. Plants are an easy way to make your sophisticated residence at Azulon even more special. We discovered which plants work best in this indoor setting. Moth orchids come in elegant white as well as bold colors. Philodendrons have big green leaves and are no-fuss plants that thrive easily with very little care. Spider plants were a big hit in the 1960s and ‘70s and continue to be popular today. They need little water and adapt easily to the existing light. Jade plants are nice succulents with beautifully shaped leaves and do well in bright light. For more of a traditional look, English ivy plants add a nice touch and they are very resilient. The Spruce has a nice list of plants that do well indoors. If you have pets living with you, please check with your veterinarian to make sure they are safe. Home Depot down the street on Harbor Blvd in Costa Mesa has a nice selection of indoor and outdoor plants, pots, and gardening supplies.
