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May 27th, 2020

Unbored yourself with a Vision Board

Now during these delicate times, it’s really important to stay inspired and have something to strive towards. Have you ever put together a vision board? It’s actually pretty darn fun. A vision board is a place to indulge and support your dreams and passions. Visual reminders help everyone, at any age, to stay focused on what makes us happy. You can put one together on a computer or kick it old school with pictures from magazines on a bulletin board or poster board. The idea is to put together images and words that remind you of your goals, keep you growing, and otherwise just remind you of how unique and original you are. There’s no one else in the world like you. A vision board is an easy way to celebrate that. Major companies and even Oprah believe in vision boards. You can do one for yourself, your relationships, work, or anything else. What’s also cool about them is the ability to modify them on the fly. Add things, take away things, and keep growing. What do you want for your life today and tomorrow? What things do you want to improve or enhance? Oprah has a great article on vision boards and if you’re on Pinterest, many folks there have them there as well to get you started. be careful though, Pinterest can be addicting! 🙂 Just remember, if you can see it, you can be it!
